Monday, April 16, 2012

Settling in and working hard in SE Kansas...

Dear Family and Friends,
"The work out here is progressing! We are working so hard and I am loving it out here. So much has happened since last week. I have given so many blessings it is hard to believe but I have confidence in the Lord and he has really spoken through me (Doctrine and Covenants 9) We tract and knock doors all the time! I love knocking doors - I really feel like it works. We also go around town and just talk to people, a lot of interesting folks around here but it's all good! We work close with the Bishop and WML and try to see as many less actives as we can. When we visit Less Actives we try to resolve their concerns and teach them the importance of the sacrament and it seems to be working. It is an early Tornado season so we are on our toes! Most days it's just nice, sunny, and breezy. But then a huge storm will rush in and pour rain for a day. The rain storms out here are ridiculous but they are fun. We are really working hard to meet less actives, find new investigators, and teach our progressing investigators....A Ward member gave us the best BBQ sauce ever! Oh my it is so good. I put it on everything: meat, beans, soup, cereal, apples, milk. haha just kidding...My bike came and it is way nice! Wow. I'm like Lance Armstrong out here doing the tour de Kansas haha. Even though I've only been out about a month, I feel like I've learned more in this month than in my whole life. It seems like I've been out a year already. I'm keeping a really good journal, and taping little things in here and there. It's fun to think that a lot of my friends are out on their missions right now and we're all doing the Lord's work in different places. It's not really that humid out here, yet. They say once it becomes summer then the humidity really hits. It's really easy to start sweating too ha but my body is adjusting to it. Everyone around here is obsessed with them (Pitt State) and Kansas University so I already have a Jay Hawks shirt. I'm so tired at the end of the day...which is good but whoo! Mission work is pretty tiring. I love knowing: I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ and am a Latter-day Saint, the knowledge of the Restored Gospel, and for the testimony I have about this work. I can walk confident knowing that I can give people the truth that can change their lives and help them come unto Christ. Well have a good week, I miss ya'll but I have to work because my time is short to work."
A boy from Centerville, Utah who is located somewhere in Southeast Kansas surrounded amidst Hicks, Small town folk, a lot of old fellar's, farmers, and hard workers. I love them all and am trying to bring them unto Christ. :)

Elder Blackburn

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